2.1.2. Facebook

A Facebook page is the most appropriate formula to be present in this network. It can be managed from the computer and mobile phones. Facebook has the apps: Page manager (for the activity related to content) and Facebook Messenger (to interact with users).

When creating a Facebook page we have to provide as much information as possible, both in the information section and in the "Your history" section; incorporate the corporate image of the web both in the profile image and on the cover and organize the tabs of the menu, eliminating those that are not going to be used.

The type of communication that can be carried out on Facebook is more relaxed; It allows us to explain widely what we want to transmit and it is quite versatile in terms of the use of audiovisual material.

Some guidelines for using Facebook:

  • Characteristics of a suitable post: regarding the length of the text, it is convenient to be direct and use brief headlines and include a single URL. In any case, despite having to lengthen, you have to facilitate reading so leave a line break between paragraphs and write the sentences with the subject- verb-predicate structure. It is also advisable to finish the publication with a call to action, with a question or asking the opinion of the user. It is highly recommended that each post be accompanied by an image, a GIF or a video (it is better to upload the videos directly to Facebook than linking them from an external platform), to make the communication more colorful and attractive. Facebook offers several resources to present images, from uploading a single photo to creating albums, sequences, presentation as a video or a canvas or combination of images and videos. More information about the images and videos on Facebook.

  • How many post publish: various theories and practices exist about how much or how often to publish on Facebook. What is certain is that if we have a recurring presence, we are more likely to appear on the users' wall. On the other hand, the change of algorithm in Facebook has led to the need to invest in paid advertising to expand the reach of our content. Otherwise, our organic scope will be very limited.

  • When to publish the post: depending on the metrics we will know the best times to publish and our content will have more impact among our users.

  • Post programming: Facebook allows you to leave post programmed from a page, a functionality that personal profiles do not have, and can be modified at any time. It is also possible to leave programmed contents from external applications.

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