Mail server configuration

This is an example of how to integrate a mailing service with Consul Democracy.

Get an account from any email provider

To configure email in Consul Democracy, you will need:

  • The smtp_address, which is the address of your email provider's SMTP server (e.g.,

  • The domain, which is the domain name of your application.

  • The user_name and password, which are the credentials provided by your email provider to authenticate with the SMTP server.

Email configuration in Consul Democracy

  1. Go to the config/secrets.yml file.

  2. On this file, change these lines under the section staging, preproduction or production, depending on your setup:

  mailer_delivery_method: :smtp
     :address: "<smtp address>"
     :port: 587
     :domain: "<domain>"
     :user_name: "<user_name>"
     :password: "<password>"
     :authentication: "plain"
     :enable_starttls_auto: true
  1. Fill <smtp address>, <domain>, <user_name> and <password> with your information.

  2. Save the file and restart your Consul Democracy application.

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