Application configuration

Overwriting application.rb

If you need to extend or modify the config/application.rb file, you can do so using the config/application_custom.rb file. For example, if you'd like to change the application timezone to the Canary Islands, just add:

module Consul
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.time_zone = "Atlantic/Canary"

In this particular case, note that the application time zone can alternatively be modified by editing the config/secrets.yml file.

Remember that in order to apply these changes you'll need to restart the application.

Overwriting environment configuration

If you'd like to customize the development, test, staging, preproduction or production environments, you can do so by editing the files under config/environments/custom/.

Note that changes in config/environments/custom/production.rb are also applied to the staging and preproduction environments, and changes in config/environments/custom/staging.rb are also applied to the preproduction environment.

And remember that in order to apply these changes you'll need to restart the application.

Last updated