Other Ruby classes (GraphQL, lib, mailers, builders)

Other than models, controllers and components, there are a few other folders containing Ruby code:

  • app/form_builders/

  • app/graphql/

  • app/lib/

  • app/mailers/

The files in these folders can be customized like any other Ruby file (see customizing models for more information).

For example, in order to customize the app/form_builders/consul_form_builder.rb file, create a file app/form_builders/custom/consul_form_builder.rb with the following content:

load Rails.root.join("app", "form_builders", "consul_form_builder.rb")

class ConsulFormBuilder
  # Your custom logic here

Or, in order to customize the app/lib/remote_translations/caller.rb file, create a file app/lib/custom/remote_translations/caller.rb with the following content:

load Rails.root.join("app", "lib", "remote_translations", "caller.rb")

class RemoteTranslations::Caller
  # Your custom logic here

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